Jülich, 14 September 2017 – For the first time, 22 students from four Georgian universities are visiting Forschungszentrum Jülich as part of an autumn school entitled QUALI-Start-Up Science Lectures. Five of Jülich’s institutes are involved: IEK, INM, IKP, JCNS, and ZEA. A SMART|Lab for climate research will be officially opened this month at Tbilisi State University (TSU). The ceremony will be attended by a Jülich delegation headed by member of the Board of Directors Prof. Sebastian Schmidt. The SMART|Lab (short for “Science, Medicine, Applied Research and Technology”) is an expansion of the collaboration between Forschungszentrum Jülich and its Georgian partners. The Georgian ministry of education and science is funding these SMART|Labs, while Jülich provides instruments and know-how. The first SMART|Lab was established last year, with a focus on particle physics.