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27 July 2018
The Jülich Short-Pulsed Particle Acceleration and Radiation Center (“JuSPARC”) at the Peter Grünberg Institute (PGI) will be expanded with two new, powerful lasers in the next months. Yesterday, the heaviest single component for this project was delivered: the table which will store a laser with a pulse power in the terawatts range without vibration in future. A crane, a window extension and a lot of sensitivity were necessary to bring the four largest parts of the metal table, each one weighing about one ton, to their destination on the second floor of the PGI.
The new laser from the French company Thales will produce extremely short light pulses lasting less than 30 femtoseconds. One femtosecond is a millionth of a billionth of a second. The intensity of the pulses is comparable to all the sun’s light being shone onto an area the size of the tip of a pencil. In this way, X-ray pulses are produced of a similar intensity to those generated at conventional synchrotron large-scale research centres with the help of conversion targets. JuSPARC offers novel possibilities to investigate ultra-fast physical phenomena, which are of particular interest to the field of information technology as well as to solid state and energy research.
Snapshots of the transport:
Project JuSPARC on the Peter Grünberg Institute website – Electronic Properties (PGI-6)
Press release of Forschungszentrum Jülich from 25 June 2018: „€ 3.2 Million for Expansion of Jülich Short-Pulse Photon Center JuSPARC“