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The Gauss Centre for Supercomputing (GCS) issued a new call for large-scale projects. Proposals from publicly funded German academic and research institutions are eligible. Projects are classified as "large-scale" if they require 35 million core hours or more on a member centre's high-end system. Available systems are the IBM Blue Gene/Q system JUQUEEN in Jülich, the CRAY XC40 installation Hornet in Stuttgart, and the IBM X86 Cluster SuperMUC in Garching. Further details can be found at
Applications can also be made for regular simulation projects on JUQUEEN and on the general-purpose supercomputer JURECA at JSC. For more information, see
Finally, applications for computing time on the JARA-HPC Partition can be made via
All applications should be submitted by Friday, 27 February 2015, 17:00 at the latest.
(Contact: Dr. Walter Nadler,
JSC, 28 January 2015