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On 17 October 2015, our long-standing colleague Otto Büchner passed away at the age of 62.
Otto Büchner had been a scientific employee of the Jülich Supercomputing Centre, formerly the Central Institute for Applied Mathematics, since 1 July 1986. Outstanding stages of his career were his work in the SUPRENUM project, which was concerned with developing a German parallel computer (1986–1989), his leading role in realizing and further developing the workstation concept (since 1992), and his efforts in setting up and operating a memory system for data exchange, as well as developing and administering a GPU computer cluster in the past few years. With his considerate and positive nature, the way he handled difficult new tasks and day-to-day problems, and his friendly and collegial manner, he made a great impact on JSC.
Otto Büchner will be greatly missed by all who knew him. We would like to express our deepest sympathy to his family at this difficult time.